Fighting the Coronavirus (Italy)

As you know the Covid-19 (coronavirus) is no longer considered an epidemic, but a pandemic, which means that this virus is transmitted very quickly, almost without control, leading people to suffer from very strong bronchial pneumonia, capable of leading people to death. The people prone to catch the virus are the elderly and people in fragile health who have had serious illnesses such as cancer etc.
To deal with this unprecedented emergency, our country was unable to hospitalize many people at the same time in intensive care units, hospitals crowded overnight, people in panic rushed to the emergency room thinking they had the virus, and so the situation was totally out of control.
Our President of the Council of Ministers (Giuseppe Count on medical experts in the matter) were forced to make a radical decision by the country, but this would be the only way to contain the transmission of the virus.
Thus, from February 22nd, the north of Italy became a red area and from March 10th, the whole of Italy became a protected area with the prohibition to leave home, they asked to close all the factories, bars, restaurants, hotels etc., everything that is not necessary for people’s lives.
And so, day after day, with the grace of God, we try to have the courage to overcome tiredness and fear.
Our sisters in Cremona were the most affected in this situation, having about 70 elderly people at home, it was impossible not to have positive cases and for our sadness we received confirmation a few days ago that 1 guest was positive for the virus test.
More than ever, our sisters have strengthened themselves with courage and charity towards everyone and have organized a team work to contain all the elderly in their rooms, to wash and disinfect the rooms, bed linen, every day they check everyone’s fever, etc. The necessary means were adopted to avoid contagion, such as washing hands with disinfectant or alcohol, wearing masks so that if the virus was still around, it would not contaminate us.
And so it is … on March 12, we received the news that the elderly man was getting better and so far we have no other suspect of the virus at home.
Our sisters Fatima and Isabel went to Cremona on March 12 to try to help our sisters who are devoting so much love to our elderly and our sisters.
Our daily lives have changed completely, our sisters need to spend most of their time in the infirmaries with the elderly because they cannot leave their rooms because the days when the virus can develop do not pass. That is why I ask for prayers for our sisters, they are really doing a beautiful and heroic apostolate. God will reward each one.
In Rome and in Rocca di Papa, the situation is a little calmer, there are still not many cases of Corona Virus, but Rome is deserted, there is no one on the street after 6 pm, it’s terrifying to see Rome like this … but it is a necessary choice to avoid transmissions.
In our house in Rome, for almost 1 month, we have no more pilgrims, every day many cancellations of stay in Rome. This situation has forced us to suspend the work of all our collaborators, to turn off the refrigerators, the electricity in some parts of the house, this situation is also leading us to live a life where only what is necessary, we are returning all the reserves that pilgrims had already paid. It seems that we are living in a period of war, which makes us feel afraid. You cannot touch… this is an experience that cannot be explained in words. Economically we don’t know how to face it, we ask God to give us strength to start again.
And we haven’t had Holy Mass at home for a week, the churches have closed … It’s really sad, but every day we watch Holy Mass on TV with Pope Francis and in the afternoon we do Eucharistic adoration begging for the strength to be able to go beyond that strongest moment of faith, hope and charity.
I am sure that after this strong storm there will be a bonanza and the arrival of new and good vocations for our beloved Italy.
Our Italian people are very good and confident that this moment will make us more brothers and sisters and in solidarity.
Submitted by Sr. M. Daiana Teresa da Virgem Maria