Weekly ADORATION in front of the Most Blessed Sacrament
The Sisters take turn in adoring and praising Jesus
every First Fridays and Sundays (except First Sundays)
Exposition at 1:30PM and Benediction at 5:00PM following Vesper.
You are invited to pray with us in our Chapel.

KindeJesus – a gift from our Sisters in America for the First General Chapter
In December 1923-1924, the Carmelite Sisters DCJ held the very FIRST GENERAL CHAPTER
and our Mother Foundress, BLESSED MARIA TERESA of ST. JOSEPH was elected the First Superior General.
A Hundred Years later, in April 2024 Sisters from our various provinces will convene for the
17th General Chapter in our General Motherhouse.
For about 133 years of our presence in the Church, may our life of contemplative prayer
and apostolic works continue to be a living sign and witness in serving others as what our
Dear Mother had lived and envisioned as we follow her footsteps.

It is Sittard’s tradition to celebrate the Laetare Sunday with the TRADITIONAL KROMBROODERAPEN
when hundreds of children with adults gathered the slopes to catch CRESCENT BREADS.
Yes, it is in KOLLENBERG, the same street where our Motherhouse is located and the remains of
our DEAR MOTHER lies in our Chapel.
What Is Krombroodrapen?
- On Mid-Lent Sunday, local bakers create special white, crescent-shaped rolls called krombroodjes.
- These rolls are then blessed in church in the morning, with the banner of the Committee present.
- After the mass, a lively procession ensues, featuring various cultural societies from Sittard.
- The procession leads to the Kollenberg hill, where an intriguing tradition unfolds.
- The Krombroodjes Toss
- At the end of the procession, the Committee takes its place in a covered wagon, accompanied by a guest of honor.
- Spectators join in, and the excitement builds.
- 6000 krombroodjes are joyfully thrown to the children who eagerly gather.
- For the youngest and those unable to climb the hill, rolls are scattered at the foot of the Kollenberg as well.