Novena Prayer October 21-29 Feast Day – October 30 First Day – October 21 TRUST IN GOD Ask and it will given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; everyone who seeks find; and to him who...
The Carmelite Sisters DCJ invite you to celebrate with us the Feast Day of our Mother Foundress – Blessed Maria Teresa of St. Joseph for a Thanksgiving Mass in our Mother House Chapel on October 30, 2024 Wednesday 5:00 PM. Register by October 20: ...
We invite you in unity with our fervent prayer for our Persecuted Church especially in Nicaragua at this time. The Nicaraguan government has lifted the legal status of 1,500 non-governmental organizations, including mainly religious groups are now taken over by the...
On February 2, 2024, our Carmel DCJ Motherhouse hosted the prayerful evening event on the Feast Day of Our Lord’s Presentation as we celebrate the Day of Consecrated Life. It was attended by priests and religious sisters from various congregations of the Diocese of...
Herr, Gott des Friedens, erhöre unser Flehen! Viele Male und über viele Jahre hin haben wir versucht, unsere Konflikte mit unseren Kräften und auch mit unseren Waffen zu lösen; so viele Momente der Feindseligkeit und der Dunkelheit; so viel vergossenes Blut; so viele...