My name is Sr. M. Matea Elizabeta of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, and I am a juniorate Sister in the Croatian Province.

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A winning team at your side
by General Treasurer | May 26, 2020 | Vocation Story | 0 Comments
My name is Sr. M. Matea Elizabeta of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, and I am a juniorate Sister in the Croatian Province.
by General Treasurer | May 7, 2020 | Vocation Story | 0 Comments
When I turned a teenager, I left behind the things of God and the Church. And with this I went searching for other things to fill me, but these vanities, these superfluous things left me empty. I realized that I was in a void. I wanted something to fill me again as I realized that my life was without meaning.
by General Treasurer | May 6, 2020 | Vocation Story | 0 Comments
“I want to be your hands. I want to be your feet. I’ll go where you send me.” It was while singing these words at a Steubenville Youth Conference that I first opened my heart to God’s call.
by General Treasurer | May 6, 2020 | Vocation Story | 0 Comments
“I only want to do what the Lord deigns to ask of me, in His holy hands, I place myself.”
by General Treasurer | May 3, 2020 | Vocation Story | 0 Comments
“Over the years of high school and college, Jesus really worked on my heart and showed me that He was the only One that could completely fulfill all my desires.”
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General Motherhouse
Kollenberg 2
6132 AL Sittard
IBAN: NL22 ABNA 0481 9152 73
Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus
Regina Carmeli Retreat House
IBAN: NL17ABNA0445795085