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A winning team at your side

Sr. Bruna Maria

Sr. Bruna Maria

When I turned a teenager, I left behind the things of God and the Church. And with this I went searching for other things to fill me, but these vanities, these superfluous things left me empty. I realized that I was in a void. I wanted something to fill me again as I realized that my life was without meaning.

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Sr. Mary Michael

Sr. Mary Michael

“I want to be your hands. I want to be your feet. I’ll go where you send me.” It was while singing these words at a Steubenville Youth Conference that I first opened my heart to God’s call.

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Blessed Maria Teresa of St. Joseph Feast Day

The Carmelite Sisters DCJ invite you to celebrate with us…

Pray with us for Nicaragua

We invite you in unity with our fervent prayer for…

The Lord is Risen, Alleluia!

In the darkness, let an unexpected shout of joy resound:…

Day of Consecrated Life Event at the General Motherhouse

On February 2, 2024, our Carmel DCJ Motherhouse hosted the…

Persecution of the Church in Nicaragua

The Catholic Church in Nicaragua is facing unprecedented persecution in…