Answered Prayers
Some examples of documented answered prayers.
On March 14, 2002, Bishop Frans Wiertz, Diocese of Roermond, opened the diocesan process [to investigate the healed foot of Mrs. M.J. Pieters-Maas]. In December 1996, she experienced a wonderful healing of her foot through the intercession of Dear Mother after 25 years of unsuccessful treatment by the doctors. This has been investigated by a Canon Lawyer and a medical expert. The testimonies of 13 witnesses were obtained. The physician gave his professional opinion. On March 27, Bishop Wiertz solemnly closed the process. The reports were testified by oath, signed, sealed and packaged. On April 4, 2002 Father Bonifatius took these documents to Rome and presented them to Cardinal Saraiva, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes for Canonizations. This miracle led to the beatification of Bl. Maria Teresa of St. Joseph on May 13, 2006.
On November 2017, we travelled to Miami but before we took the flight, a friend came to my home to visit me and told me she had something to share with me. She said: “I had a friend who was a nun, and she said that she dreamed about your son, she saw him in pain. She told me he would be cured by the intercession of Bl. María Teresa de San José. (At that time, not even the morphine was able to control the pain and he was already unable to walk for many months and had ataxia, that is, if we tried to stand him up on his feet he would fell down on his back). Let us say the prayer, together with José, asking the intercession of Maria Teresa.” We did it many, many times. In the children hospital of Miami, the same diagnose was confirmed, herniation of 6mm.
On December 2017, we traveled by air ambulance from Managua to Houston where José would have emergency surgery. This time the situation was even worse. His life was in danger, and he was already having dysphagia and the next complication could be a respiratory or cardiac arrest at any time. On December 22, we arrived at the Memorial Herman Hospital in Houston. The pediatric neurosurgeon decided that José has to undergo more medical tests again. After many days and tests –one of them lasted 8 hours under anesthesia, which was the most important one –it was found that the herniation of the cerebellar tonsils was 3mm. Since the herniation inexplicably decreased its size, the doctor considered it was not necessary to have surgery. Jose was discharged. Little by little, the pain intensity and duration was decreasing. He began to walk again once in a while until finally at the end of May, he told me he felt “in perfect condition”. He was able to get up from bed and to walk as though nothing had happened. Bl. Maria Teresa was God´s instrument not only for his health –you cannot imagine, what it means to us to see him running again – but also that we received the gift of a stronger faith, of finding happiness in little details, and the gift of considering others pain as our own and gave us the biggest lesson of all, nothing is impossible for God
On September 24, 2008, I had a seizure while working and was taken to De Paul Hospital in Bridgeton, Missouri. An MRI revealed that I had a malignant brain tumor, located near the part of the brain that causes seizures.
After discussing the situation with my family and the doctors, I decided to seek treatment at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. After a consultation, the doctor at MD Anderson decided to remove the tumor and surgery was scheduled for October 29, 2008.
The day before the surgery, a final MRI was performed. To everyone’s surprise, the surgeon informed me that not only had the tumor gotten smaller, but that in fact, it could not be a tumor because tumors do not shrink on their own without treatment. As a result, surgery was cancelled. He rarely gets to give this wonderful news.
The doctors suggested the possibility that the lesion could be an indication of MS. A spinal tap revealed this not to be the case.
I feel very blessed that my sister had given me a relic of Mother Mary Teresa of St. Joseph which I kept at my nightstand during this ordeal.
Although the doctors don’t know what the lesion is now, it is no longer a tumor. I’m convinced that with Blessed Mary Teresa’s help, as well as all the prayers of my family and friends, I have been touched in a very special way.
I would like to share with you how Blessed Mother Maria Teresa has helped us. A newly ordained priest took very seriously ill and spent one week in ICU on life support and in a coma. Last Monday, we were quite sure we were going to lose him. I lit a candle next to Mother’s relic and I began offering the prayer for her intercession every day and venerating her relic. I asked everyone I knew to pray through her intercession. I brought one of the relics to the priest and placed it on him while offering the prayer. In the last 72 hours, not only has he come out of the coma, they have taken him off the life support; he has gotten up and started walking on his own and last night they moved him from ICU into a regular nursing unit. I am convinced that Mother’s prayers have brought him to this point.
My aunt suffered from a stroke and was in the hospital for more than a week. They said that her heart will be damaged and they would have to install something to help it function. I prayed to Blessed Maria Teresa of St. Joseph for her intercession when I heard she had had a stroke. Today, Blessed Maria Teresa’s birthday, the doctors said there was no damage to her heart, and the doctors cannot believe it! I am very confident that God healed her through Blessed Maria Teresa’s intercession.
“There is a huge housing shortage in Rotterdam, and the waiting lists for a room are long. With many of them, my client couldn’t even be added to the waiting list yet. I had a conversation with his older brother and sister-in-law. In the conversation I suddenly thought of Mother Tauscher and told them about her. Later I gave the booklet “She Followed an Inner Voice” and a prayer. I told them that if they wanted, we could ask her for her intercession to help us find a place for him to live. The sister-in-law said, yes, we could use a miracle because he can’t live with us. Separately we prayed to her. In that same week the “miracle” did indeed happen. A lady who had said she really could not put him on the waiting list because the waiting list was already too long, called the older brother unexpectedly. She said she had thought about what he had told her. She was willing to have the younger brother registered anyway and put him at the top of the waiting list as well”.
Throughout the day of the operation, she was by me. They came to fetch me at four for a gal operation and stone removal, but what is so unbelievable is that I was walking around with an umbilical hernia from an operation in Sittard 20 years ago which had gone wrong. It caused much pain. They repaired the damage. Surely this is a miracle of Mother Tauscher. After 20 years I have no words. I hope to hear from you soon. I also keep a candle burning by her all the time.
The operation is such that after prayer and a lot of thinking I didn’t do it! This was already 3 years ago.
I retired August 17, 2018. I also prayed specially to Blessed M. Maria Teresa Tauscher, often visited her grave and have had NO more pain for over a year!