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Novena Prayer October 21-29
Feast Day – October 30
First Day – October 21
Ask and it will given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; everyone who seeks find; and to him who knocks the door will be opened. Mt 7:7-8
Blessed Maria Teresa had a great, indeed unlimited trust in God. She knew poverty, needs and worries of all kinds. She saw where it was necessary to help others and begged God to show her the ways and give her the means to do so. In her letters she wrote: “God can never test our trust in any other way than by allowing the need to reach its greatest heights Then He shows His power, greatness and love in a wonderful way.” (Letter 219)
Let us believe in Divine Providence and leave everything to it. But what is our duty, we should nevertheless do with great faithfulness. (Letter 1849)
Lord, our God, Blessed Maria Teresa of St. Joseph always trusted in your help. We often have so little faith in you. Help us in our darkness, despondency and need to believe firmly and trustingly in You and to rely on Your help as you listen to our request. Amen.